Posts Tagged ‘quick elevation edit’

Add Functions to Double-click Action

November 7, 2012

Some speed may be added to your daily production by adding functionality to your double-click actions.

In this example we are going to add a double-clicking action to the Quick Elevation Edit for Feature Lines.  NOTE:  If the images below are fuzzy, then click on it and you will see it clearly.  Use the BACK button in the browser and it should fix the images.  These are GIF files.

I worked on this for a couple of hours yesterday with no success.  I ended up posting to the Autodesk Discussion Groups.  I was leaving out one very important detail that made the whole operation fail.  Thanks to user BrianHailey on the Autodesk Civil 3D Discussion Group, he showed me in detail what I was missing and an easy way of getting what I need.

First, create a Feature Line if you don’t have one already.  Once created, double-click on it.  The result is that the Properties dialog box opens…

Feature Line

To add the double-click action to this, the first thing to do is LIST the feature line.  Then you will highlight the Object Name as shown below…

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Once you copy the Object Name to the clipboard, type in CUI to open the Custom User Interface.  Once in the CUI dialog find the Double Click Actions, right-click on it and select New Double Click Action…

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Give it a desired name.  In this example I am naming it Feature Line Edit…

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Once you add this double click action, to the right, the Properties pane becomes available.  This is the important part that I was leaving out.  For the Object Name, right-click and select Paste to paste the name of the Object in the field.  It is VERY important that this object name is in ALL CAPS…

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The next step is to drag and drop the Quick Elevation Edit to the Double Click Action.  This is done in the bottom left pane called the Command List…

Feature Line

Click OK.  Now when you double-click the feature line, the Quick Elevation Edit will be executed as shown below…

Feature Line

Good luck and thanks again BrianHailey!!